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our beliefs

dog training philosophy

we are here to help you

Every dog and owner is unique

We believe that every dog and owner is unique, therefore we specialize our training plans to serve you and your dog’s best interest. Your world should be as big as you want it to be with your dog, not small. We are here to help YOU achieve your training goals.

Believe it or not, we all want something more out of our dogs, and many owners love their dogs but have made their world really, really small in order to be able to manage poor behaviors. At Enzo’s Dog Training / Enzo’s Acres, we believe your world can be as big as you want if you learn to communicate with your dog.

Keeping your dog balanced and happy

20 years ago we did not have the problems we are having today with our family dogs. My dog lived a long life and was loved, but he only came inside the house when it was really cold or on special occasions. My family never took our dog on walks or to dog parks. In fact, the one time I put a “leash”, probably a rope, on my dog was when I was running away and of course my dog Lucky was going with me. Funny thing is, my neighbor stopped me on our street, three doors down from my house, and asked if I was “running away”. I was embarrassed so I said “no, I’m just walking my dog”, he laughed and drove home. I was about 10 years old and loved Lucky very much, in my mind we could live outside together. So the next time I “ran away” I went to his dog’s house.

Pet ownership is an ever-evolving industry. Yup industry! The more we “humanize” our dogs the more money there is to be made. The problem is that dogs don’t understand what the problem is. They are acting like dogs and we are treating them like humans and they just don’t understand. The #1 way we, as humans think we communicate with each other, is through the spoken and written word. But dogs just feel the energy with our words. Dogs can learn words but you must teach them. The #1 way to communicate with your dog is by touch. For instance, if your dog is acting anxious, whining, shaking, cowering… And you hold him, as you would a child, and pet him and say “It’s OK, you are OK, you will be fine, don’t worry.” He does NOT hear your spoken words, he feels the soft, comforting touch and understands “It’s OK to feel anxious so keep whining, shaking, and cowering…”. With good intentions to help we are actually reinforcing their anxiety, the very behavior you are trying to help them overcome.

We begin by teaching owners to be silent and use energy so their dogs can understand. Energy is a key to changing your dog’s state of mind and helping them be balanced and happy.

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